Golden Age of Paper Dolls
The fun part, is re-socializing the solo dolls with handfuls of other dolls - into mostly party like atmospheres exuding affluence. The original illustrators never imagined such a rendezvous of freaks in beautiful celebration, and that is what playing with dolls is all about. Child or adult
As a very interesting aside, the sewing pattern companies never allowed the illustrators to sign their work until the mid-seventies. (Or perhaps the artists chose not to?) These artists worked in obscurity, mostly repeat free lancers, without company acknowledgement, just approval. Many curious have attempted to track backwards and learn who these ghost artists were, being that most are approaching end of life, if not already passed. But few, if any, have been rediscovered. Even McCall’s Co has no ledger on who these anonymous artists were, or further insight as to their interesting history. (per Reddit post). They deserve tribute, and hope they would approve of this repurposing.
The Golden Age project consists of gleaning vintage paper dolls from the immediate post nuclear decades (1950s-1970) and re-imagining them into modern day scenarios of the artists own making. Nearly all the dolls come from sewing pattern covers. (McCall’s, Simplicity, etc) and are best available from Etsy or other internet chases. The poor quality of the ‘digital gets’ requires a great deal of photoshop manipulation, but most are hopelessly pixelated once scaled to larger sizes. Thus, I re-outline them with a sharpie and then paint the life back into them with oils. I also often add paper pellets into post prints as well, and story/location seed the print - similar to a one frame cartoon.